Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of unit mass (1 kg) the substance through one degree Celsius.

Its unit is kJ/kgK

Specific Heat Capacity is denoted by C

Specific Heat Capacity at constant volume

Specific heat capacity at constant volume is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree celsius at constant volume

Q = m.Cv.dT

Q is the amount of heat transferred in Joules
m is the mass in kg
Cv is the specific heat capacity at constant volume in kJ/kgK
dT is the difference in temperature in K

Specific Heat Capacity at constant pressure

Specific heat capacity at constant pressure is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree celsius at constant pressure

Q = m.Cp.dT

Q is the amount of heat transferred in Joules
m is the mass in kg
Cp is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure in kJ/kgK
dT is the difference in temperature in K